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How to take photos of your home

How to Take Great Photos of Your Home for AirBNB.

“High-quality photos will make all the difference when you decide to list your home on Airbnb. A listing with a warm, inviting set of photos will attract more interest from tourists and travelers. It’s important to highlight the features of your home that your renters may not be able to find elsewhere in the local area.

Offering up your home on Airbnb is a great way to earn extra money and to give tourists and vacationers a travel experience that’s different from their past ones. When you join Airbnb and create your listing, you’ll want to make it looks as inviting as possible. With some photography basics and a bit of planning, you can create excellent shots of your living space that will make travelers want to book with you on their next trip.

Taking Photos of Your Home

Not everyone has a digital camera, but it’s not recommended to lise your smartphone camera because the image quality doesn’t quite measure up. Look up camera retailers in your town, and odds are very good that at least one rents out digital cameras for a day, a weekend or sometimes longer. Most charge a deposit that will be refunded to you, but most camera rental rates themselves are reasonable. Once you have your camera, it’s time to highlight what makes your home stand out.

When getting your Airbnb room set up for your photos, you’ll want to clear away unnecessary clutter while still keeping the room looking interesting. Brighter colors in painting and wall decorations will grab viewers’ eyes as they’re scrolling through your Airbnb listing. If the room you’re listing has a private entrance, attached bathroom or another appealing amenity, you’ll also want to include those in your photos.

Many people opt for Airbnb while traveling because they enjoy the feel of a home that just isn’t there in motels or hotels. If you’ve made recent upgrades to your kitchen or guest bathroom, be sure to photograph and mention that information as well. You’ll want to showcase amenities on your property as well, such as a swimming pool or hot tub in your backyard. With any indoor or outdoor photos you take for your listing, each photo should be simple yet visually cohesive.

Decide on Your Target Audience

Another important step is to figure out which types of travelers you’d like to rent to on Airbnb. Once you know which guests are the most likely to rent from you, you can arrange your photos based on what might interest them. If you know a good number of business travelers visit your city, you can include photos of workspaces where they’ll have a quiet place to catch up on their work. If you want to host families with younger children, showcase your large backyard and dining area where everyone can sit down for home-cooked meals.

Not every guest will fit into your target audience with every request, so it helps when your photos have a consistent theme that will create a sense of home for anyone. Clean spaces and a lack of clutter are essentials before you start taking any photos. Put away any children’s toys and personal items on the bathroom counters. It’s also a good idea to hide TV and video game console cords whenever possible. Adding colorful throw pillows or vases of flowers is a simple yet effective way to give each room more visual appeal.
In conclusion, it takes some planning and interior decorating basics to make your home look its best for your Airbnb listing. You’ll want to determine the types of travelers you’d like to attract the most, who often have some of the same likes and dislikes. The quality of your photos will make a big difference in showing them why they should pick your Airbnb listing over others in the local area.”

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