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how to meet you financial goals bt traveling the world

How to Meet Your Financial Goals by Traveling The World

“This fun, motivational article offers a unique take on personal finance and world travel. It gets readers excited about meeting their retirement goals, and it’s a great choice for personal finance or motivational blogs. To capture the reader’s attention, it uses second person and addresses the reader as a smart, committed individual reaching for financial success.

A normal trip overseas can cost thousands of dollars, but you’ve made a commitment to rise above normalcy. You’re on a mission to secure your financial future. That means you see things differently. You’re always looking for a new angle to reach your goals. If you’ve never considered how traveling can help your bank account, it’s time for a second look.

Are you a writer? Social media maven? Programmer? If you have any skills that allow you to work remotely, you can embrace life as a digital nomad and rack up savings while living abroad. Middle income countries like Costa Rica or Thailand offer beach living for dollars a day. You can work remotely for 10 hours a week and cover your expenses. Any extra hours go straight to your bank account.

One unique option for financial growth through travel: the U.S. Peace Corps. It isn’t for everyone; you need a willingness to live in a rural community overseas, an interest in community service, and a nominal commitment to the federal government’s diplomatic interests. If you’re up for it, it can be the adventure of a lifetime. The program pays for all of your expenses, including housing, food, work-related travel, and medical care. You won’t have to touch your personal accounts. Plus, you get a major boost to your retirement at the end of service. Because you have to drop everything to move abroad for two years, Peace Corps gives you a readjustment allowance when you come home. You’ll earn $375 for every month you serve – that’s more than $8,000 for the full 27-month tour.

Using the WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farn network is another way to boost your financial goals while traveling. It’s more flexible than the Peace Corps. You work a few hours a day on organic farms in exchange for room and board, leaving you plenty of time for remote freelance work or relaxation. WWOOF puts you in contact with farm owners who need help, and you make your own arrangements. You can stay for months or a few days. Either way, it’s a great way to travel without shelling out big bucks for hotel rooms

The hottest phrase in personal finance is “”geographical arbitrage.”” This simply means working hard in a city with a high cost-of-living and retiring in a more affordable area. You can enjoy a six-figure salary in Manhattan, Portland, or San Francisco then retire in luxury. Traveling is the perfect way to scope out potential sites and get yourself motivated about meeting your long-term financial goals. Spend a few months in Jamaica, Cambodia, or rural Colorado and recharge your batteries. You’ll be excited to head back to the grindstone and build your financial future.

Traveling resets your expectations. Once you’ve camped out in a sleeping bag, lived on rice and beans, and taken public transport everywhere for a few months, you’ll have reached a new level of financial literacy. Living abroad helps you realize that material comforts aren’t necessary for a good life. You can come home ready to skip expensive restaurants, fancy condos, and high-interest car loans. You’ll come home years ahead of your peers and more committed than ever to your financial goals. Plus, you’ll have a head full of memories, a hard drive full of photos and a bank account full of money.”

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