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Cut Travel Costs with Your Own Flight Food

Cut Travel Costs with Your Own Flight Food

Airplane food tends to be expensive, but first-time flyers may not discover this until too late, while others assume the rule against taking your own drinks applies to food, too. But most foods, including home-produced ones, are allowed, as this article points out, so money can be saved by taking your own supplies. Tips and suggestions are provided for choosing and packaging food for the journey, and for filling your water bottle, cost-free, after going through security.

If you’ve booked a flight, you’ll be only too aware of the hole it’s made in your travel budget. But you can at least avoid the expensive airline cuisine. Although you’re not permitted to take your own drink supplies through security, you are allowed to take food, provided it’s securely packed and not too liquid. This means you can stuff your travel bag with everything from snacks to cooked meals, produced at low cost at home. You may also be able to access free drinking water, as explained below. These tips will help you plan your bargain on-board meal.

Airlines usually stipulate that food must be securely wrapped or packed and must not contain much liquid. Soups, creamy dishes and sauces (other than in small quantities) are forbidden, as are hot foods, which could spill and scald. Strong smelling foods may also be rejected for the sake of other passengers. Full lists of permissible and unacceptable foods are available on air travel websites, but if in doubt, contact your airline or airport to check.

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