When you’re planning a vacation, it can be tempting to just pick a place, and go. Doing your research first, especially if you’re traveling out of the country, can save you a lot of headaches or expense. Avoid these travel mistakes and make your vacation a great one.
Are you planning a vacation?
While it can be tempting to throw caution to the wind and go off to some far-flung destination on a whim, make sure you do your research first, especially if you’re traveling out of the country. Here are some of the most common travel mistakes that you’ll want to avoid.
Deceptive Hotel Listings
So, you’ve found a seemingly fantastic hotel at a bargain price. Not so fast! If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Hotel listings and reviews are not hard to fake. It pays to check out multiple sources before deciding if a hotel listing is legit. Stick to prominent review sites that you know you can trust, as they have a more thorough screening process and are quick to get rid of deceptive listings.
Hidden Airline Fees
Again, that cheap flight might not be exactly what it seems to be on the surface. Read the fine print to check for hidden fees. Most airlines charge extra for things like checked baggage, seat selection, food, drinks, and so on. If you’re not sure what things cost extra, ask.
Exclusive Third Party Discounts
You’ve probably seen one of these horror stories in the news – some sweet, unassuming traveler gets scammed out of their money by a third party offering a so-called exclusive discount. Please be wary of these discount sites, and make sure they are what they claim to be. Before you book anything with a third party, call the airline or hotel to verify that they have a relationship with them.
Skipping Travel Insurance
Many people skip travel insurance to save a few bucks. You might think that coverage is a waste of money because you’re unlikely to use it. However, not having the insurance if you do need it will be far more costly than the few dollars you would have spent on it.
Exchange Rates
Exchange rates can turn your vacation into the bargain of a lifetime, or it can blow your budget for the next five holidays. Before you decide to go to a particular country, you should calculate the difference between their exchange rate and your currency.